Don’t just sit there! Do something!
Darts! A classic among club games – our main bar features a darts area with a top quality dartboard and electronic scoring.
Casual players are very welcome anytime, but don’t just play your mates – why not get ambitious and join the club’s darts team? We play in the Stoney Stanton & District Darts League: Click Here For Latest Match Details.
The main bar also has an excellent pool table.
Not much else to say, really – except that the balls are all nice pretty colours and the table is very close to the bar, so you can casually top up your pint whilst eyeing up your next shot.
Oh, and we now have an active pool team playing in the Hinckley & District Pool League: Click Here For Latest Fixtures.
Live dangerously! Play skittles!
The club has a great skittle table. It is located at the far end of the main bar so that not too many customers get killed by poorly aimed flying cheeses.
Keen players should think about joining our team. We play in the Lutterworth Skittle League: Click here for news.
Six and two: Clickety-Quack (or something…)
What would life be without Bingo?
It’s eyes-down-looking every Sunday evening – try our lucky number game for a chance to WIN up to £65!

If all of the above seems a bit too tiring and stressful, how about a game of dominoes, or cards?
Both go very well with a decent drink or two and a nice, quiet sit down.
You might even try a game of crib if:
a) anyone can find the crib-board, and
b) anyone can remember how to play it…
The Sapcote Golf Society is an established organisation of like – minded people who get together about 8 or 9 times during the course of the summer months to have a quality breakfast and day’s golf. They’ve also been known to have a pint or two in the 19th hole afterwards.
Membership is open to golfers of any standard who are happy to abide by the rules and etiquette of the game. Events are held at a variety of courses within 2 hours drive of the village.
Whilst not strictly a Sapcote Club activity, most of the Golf Society members can also be found in the club’s bar quite frequently, so we are happy to give them a mention here.
They have a website where you can find out more about them: Click here for Website.